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When a Golden Moon Appears

Исполнитель Natali Lyon

Автор текста Natali Lyon

Автор музыки Natali Lyon

Жанр Электронная, Ambient

Размещено30.09.2023 14:02

Текст песни

In ancient times people used to admire the Moon and its unusual light and nowadays it still attracts our attention
By the time when the sky is so full of stars full of brightness
Leave your home have a walk feel freedom once more
All your thoughts all your memories can mean nothing this night
When a golden Moon appears do not forget to make your only wish
It is so close and so far at one time
Light let this Moon unusual light make all the dreams come true and real
Get the whole atmosphere all its mystery
When a golden Moon appears do not forget to make your only wish
It is so close and so far at one time
Light let this Moon unusual light make all the dreams come true and real
Get the whole atmosphere all its mystery
Do not forget to make a wish


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