Я всё ещё надеюсь на нашу скорую встречу...
Исполнитель Raymie
Автор текста Raymie
Автор музыки Дима Ходин
Теги одиночество Любовь поиск любви
Лицензия Creative Commons
Размещено28.06.2021 13:32
[Verse 1:]
I feel alone
Because I`m different
I need someone
Who will understand me and my world
Where is the one
Who will make me happy?
And who will brighten up my gray days with the smile?
I really wait for you
I want to meet you soon
I know you`re somewhere near me [x2]
[Verse 2:]
I`m waking up
And thinking about you
I hope you`ll find me very soon
I`m waiting it
I really want
To hug you tight and tell you secrets that nobody even knows
I really wait for you
I want to meet you soon
I know you`re somewhere near me [x2]
I wanna love, big and pure love
Want to be happy in this cruel and lonely world
Give me a sigh in the gray sky
And I will find you through the darkness till it hurts
I feel alone
Because I`m different
I hope you`ll find me very soon
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